You are invited to the ANZAC blog tea party, where we will review the Anzacs in relation to World War 1.
See you there with your teddy bear.
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History @ MACROB

Flower + Jasmine: Children
Leona + Amy: Conscription
Nicola + Laura: Conscription
Hang + Kristina: Gallipoli
Masha, Hilary + Rebecca: Sir Charles Bean
Connie + Jasmine: Propaganda
Elena + Vivian: Propaganda
Madhusha + Tara: Propaganda
Anmol + Chloe: Trench Life
Tharusha + Lisa: Trench Life
Crystal + Jane: Women


Australian War Memorial
Gallipoli and the Anzacs
Wikipedia: Anazc Day

"a work in progress"
9 May 2011 15 May 2011 22 May 2011 29 May 2011

Gallipoli: the battle field
Sunday 29 May 2011 | 23:34

The Anzacs are best known for their battle in Gallipoli.
1914, April the 25th: Australian and New Zealand soldiers land in Gallipoli.
The battle to seize the Ottoman forts became a drawn out and bloody battle. It stretched on for eight months.

Instead of landing two kilometres from the decided destination, the Anzacs were released onto a steep, mountain terrain instead of the expected flat ground. The Anzac were faced with death as the enemies fired from their advantaged point up on the cliffs. There was no place to hide and the soldiers only covered a distance of 900 metres into the land.

The loss of the battle was a disappointment for Australia, New Zealand, British and the allies. Yet, the Australian and New Zealand soldiers became renown for their bravery in fighting a horrifying battle. The world will never forget the blood shed of WWI but the world will also never forget the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps for their participation in the war.

Wall of Remembrance, dedicated to the Anzacs.

Ode of Remembrance

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.

Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal,
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation,

And a glory that shines upon her tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables at home;
They have no lot in our labour of the daytime;
They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known,
As the stars are known to the night.

As the stars will be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain;
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.

Laurence Binyon, English Poet

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Can You Hear The Australian Heroes Marching? - Peter Barnes
| 22:52

This song is written from Peter Barnes' experience in visiting the Adelaide River War Cemetery.  He felt as though he needed to do something in return for all the sacrifices the soldiers had made.
We chose to use this song on our blog because the  song reflects the invaluable 'sacrifice' and willing to commit to the expectations as a soldier. Many soldiers had to face the harsh conditions of war, this included: muddy trenches, terrible weather and of course, attacks from the opposition. Most soldiers were wounded and some were killed, it was impossible to come out of war without a scratch, it just shows the commitment not only Anzac soldiers but all soldiers that enlisted for World War I. Today, the Anzacs are commemorated for the participation and willingness to sacrifice their lives on the 25th of April. Lest We Forget.

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Just a fragment of an ANZAC soldier's story
Sunday 22 May 2011 | 19:07

Dark and cold
Soldiers are on hold
And the waiting game grows old

While we lay in our muddy homes
I weep for Jerome
Who won't make it home

I can see people praying. Praying is big over here, everyone prays. They pray to live another day, to see their loved ones by the end of the massacre, of this war, and just to see the beautiful sunrise once more.

My body yearns for sleep
But awake, I shall keep
For at dawn the enemies will leap

I can smell the fear
Rising among my peers
The adversaries are near

The British were so convincing of their need for more troops, that both Australians and New Zealanders were forced into conscription.

We asked why?Why must we try?In this strange land, our fate is to die..

We went to war with pride
As they promised an adventurous ride
But, they lied

The posters changed weekly, taking us all on a guilt trip while British troops were risking their lives on the front line.

But we are here now
Leaving our herd of cows
To keep our vow

When we grow old
We will show off our gold
And relive the stories we told

As the sun rises, these thoughts will be drowned in the sound of gunfire, of shrapnel flying, of men dying. As the guns roar now, such thoughts are no longer with us: just the strong adrenaline rush of staying alive...


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ANZAC: Introduction
Sunday 15 May 2011 | 22:33

ANZAC (founded in 1916, Egpyt), otherwise known as Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, formed when World War 1 broke out in Europe between the Great Powers. Britain announced war on Germany, forcing allies of both sides to join the fight.

Gallipoli, Turkey
When announced by the British government, many men from both Australia and New Zealand and a minority of women joined the army with their heads held high, patriotism and hopes of an adventure fuelling hundreds of thousands to sign up and battle on the front line of a war to be known as the Great War. Any men who were deemed physically fit was put up for the job within the ages of 17 and 30. For four years, the Great World War 1 splattered blood on history’s pages.
The ANZACs fought as an ally to Britain, battling on the Western Frontline of France. They also fought in Gallipoli but with no distinctive victory; both sides suffered heavy casualties.

In the World War 1, New Zealand alone had 80,000 casualties, Australia with 211,000 casualties. Austria-Hungary roughly had 5,000,000 casualties and Germany close to 6,000,000 casualties.
The ANZACS are remembered for their bravery in fighting a terrible war that lead to much bloodshed of allies and adversaries. On the 25th of April, the day the Australian and New Zealand troops landed in Gallipoli, has now become ANZAC day - a day where Australia, New Zealand and many other countries pause to commemorate the heroes that sacrificed themselves for their country.


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Introduction: The Great World War 1
Monday 9 May 2011 | 09:52

Archduke Franz Ferdinand  
(1863 - 1914)
World War 1 (WW1) was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. He was assassinated, along with his wife, by a group notoriously known as The Black Hand, a group of 6 teenage terrorists. Bosnia was opposed to Austria-Hungary’s rule over her and Ferdinand’s visit to their capital, Sarajevo, was an opportunity for revenge. Gavrillo Princip, a member of The Black Hand and Serbian terrorist, was responsible for the death of Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie. This was seen as a direct challenge from Serbia; hence, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
This was merely an excuse and the more reasonable cause for the war were imperialism, nationalism, militarism which had built much tension between the Great Powers.
Alliances began to form as countries prepared their men for the possibility of a great war. Great Britain, France and the Russian Empire were known as the Triple Entente. While the German Empire joined forces with Austria-Hungary and Italy to form the Triple Alliance.
Orange: The Triple Entente
Red: The Triple Alliance

Great Britain had control over many countries near and far. With Australia colonised then formed under the British Government, Australia was called to serve her part in the war that has now become known as the World War One.
Patriotism was big in the Australian citizens and was also the reason many men rushed to become the first members of the newly formed Australian Imperial Force. The Commonwealth of Britain offered for 20,000 men to fight.

Australia Emerges - Joe Eshuys, Vic Guest, Judith Lawrence
Australian History, Dreamtime to the Great War – Ersie Burke, Sarah Mirams

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